
Friday, August 7, 2020

For Sale: The Tiny White House!

Hi my name is Archer and Braxton.  

Are looking to find a dream home?

We’ll you’re in luck because we are building a dream house for someone.

You can buy it for $1 500 Minecoins.  It has flowers, a secret base, 4 bedrooms.  On the top of the house there is a balcony and deck.  On the second there is a deck.

There is a glass room that you can look through in one of the bedrooms.  It is on top of the house.  There is some Glowstone that glows in the dark.

There are very good plants.  There's roses, sunflowers and there's blue dandelions.

There are paintings near the secret base.  There are two white blocks next to the paintings and if you break the two blocks you find a secret base.