
Monday, July 27, 2020


1. winter is the coldest season of the year                         
Why the Frozen short that played before Pixar's Coco kicked up so ...2. winter is between autumn and spring  
3. winter starts on 21 of june and ends on 23 of september  
4. june july and august are the months of the year
5. when it is winter animals hybirnate

How Hibernation Works | HowStuffWorksWinter - Wikipedia

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

i am inspired by apiranha ngata because he is a person who was inspireing other new Zealand people to be a good person and fight for new zealand thats why he is on the 50 dollar note thats how important he is and he standed up for the maori people because when the maori people where around the people thoght that the maori people where not as smart as the other people and apirana ngahta was the first maouri to finish universityand he toke all the nollage a told the mouri all of it and then he told them to fight for ther country .they end