
Monday, November 30, 2020

Did you ever

 Did you ever 

go surfing at New Brighton beach?

Legs kicking

 Arms moving

 Heart beating 

Try it

Haiku poems

New Brighton Bay beach

Sand flows in the sky 

New Brighton ocean has waves

I love the hot beach 

Ocean of New Brighton 

The ocean is warm 

The sea is nice and hot now 

The sea is slimy.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Archie and Braxton's Minecraft tree house

Our tree house is big has more then on house and a balcony.You can get up on the tree house with water 

You just press space bar and shift and it will work.It has four floors paintings you can walk through and you have a leaf shade on the balcony. It has different rooms like pumpkin room snow room and pool room.There is a obstacle course.

The best thing about making my tree house was making the water elevator that sucks you up to the balcony of our tree house.  I made the pumpkin room and I kept on missing all the blocks and destroying them so I had to fix them up.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Friday, September 4, 2020

kate shapard

here are some facts on kate shapard 

Friday, August 7, 2020

For Sale: The Tiny White House!

Hi my name is Archer and Braxton.  

Are looking to find a dream home?

We’ll you’re in luck because we are building a dream house for someone.

You can buy it for $1 500 Minecoins.  It has flowers, a secret base, 4 bedrooms.  On the top of the house there is a balcony and deck.  On the second there is a deck.

There is a glass room that you can look through in one of the bedrooms.  It is on top of the house.  There is some Glowstone that glows in the dark.

There are very good plants.  There's roses, sunflowers and there's blue dandelions.

There are paintings near the secret base.  There are two white blocks next to the paintings and if you break the two blocks you find a secret base.

Monday, July 27, 2020


1. winter is the coldest season of the year                         
Why the Frozen short that played before Pixar's Coco kicked up so ...2. winter is between autumn and spring  
3. winter starts on 21 of june and ends on 23 of september  
4. june july and august are the months of the year
5. when it is winter animals hybirnate

How Hibernation Works | HowStuffWorksWinter - Wikipedia

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

i am inspired by apiranha ngata because he is a person who was inspireing other new Zealand people to be a good person and fight for new zealand thats why he is on the 50 dollar note thats how important he is and he standed up for the maori people because when the maori people where around the people thoght that the maori people where not as smart as the other people and apirana ngahta was the first maouri to finish universityand he toke all the nollage a told the mouri all of it and then he told them to fight for ther country .they end

Friday, June 5, 2020

All about me

My name is archie
i like to go on waiks with me and my dogs and mum
my Favorite  colour  is neon green

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

this is my pattern and my work that i did in a few minutes and it is hard trying to do maths like what i did on a few minutes... 

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

 pikachu has a yellow body and it is bright pikachu is a electric type and very strong and one of his attacks are quick attack he has a tail and has four legs and a red knows the end ...

Monday, May 25, 2020

this is my second pattern it go s  baby medium large baby medium large baby medium large  and it can do large medium baby large medium baby large medium baby.

this is my pattern it go s   yellow yellow blue blue red red green green red and if you do  it the other way it go s red green green red red blue blue yellow yellow

Friday, May 22, 2020

this is my emotion i am very happy